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A Little History of the Dublin Pub running in Little Museum of Dublin until September 24


The pub, as we know it today, originated with the formation of the Licensed Vintners Association in 1817.

At the dawn of the 19th century, most pubs in Dublin – and elsewhere – were really just places that alcohol could be bought, which people then consumed in their own homes.

The major shift in Ireland came with the foundation of the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) in 1817. Its aim was to provide high quality public houses and brewing in the capital.

Following its establishment, larger brewers took control over the home brewing industry that up to this point, had existed in Ireland for many years.

From that time, 200 years ago, publicans started building premises with features that are distinctive to what we know as a ‘pub’ today – the fine wood carvings and stained, polished glass, to intricate mosaic tiling.

The Little Museum of Dublin has launched a new exhibition to celebrate the history of such pubs in the capital.

‘A Little History of the Dublin Pub’ opens today, and will run until 24 September.

The exhibition celebrates the 200th anniversary of the LVA and tells the story of Dublin’s public houses from before the Victorian Era until the present day, with a particular focus on the former.

Some of the finest preserved authentic Victorian pubs remain in Dublin, including:

  • The Palace Bar
  • Swan Bar
  • Toners
  • The Long Hall
  • Slattery’s
  • Stags Head
  • Ryan’s
  • The International Bar
  • Gaffney’s
  • The Hut
  • Bowes
  • Kehoe’s
  • Finnegan’s
  • Cassidy’s

For more info and tickets, please check


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