An Garda Síochána and RSA publish provisional road death figures

An Garda Síochána and the Road Safety Authority have published provisional figures accounting the number of people who have been killed on Irish roads so far this year.
The figures reveal that, until July 21st, there were a total of 89 fatal collisions, the result of which being 93 deaths. This is an 8% increase on the same time last year.
The report also reveals a 10% increase in collisions across the country, and that the most fatalities occurred in Limerick (7). The majority of driver fatalities were male (35 of 43).
The majority of fatalities took place on higher speed roads: 15 occurred on 80km/h roads, 20 on 100km/h roads, five on 50kmh/roads, and one of 60km/h roads. 22 fatalities took place on national roads, while 17 took place on regional roads. There were also two on local roads, and two on a motorway.
There were eight driver fatalities in January and march, seven in May, six in February and April, five in June, and three in July.
The report concluded that there has been an increase in fatalities across drivers (+4), passengers (+4), and pedal cyclists (+1); a reduction in the number of fatalities of those aged 25 years and younger (-6); an increase in fatalities among the age group 66 and older increased (+11).
Non-wearing of seatbelts remains a concern for both drivers and passengers .
Should the monthly average trend continue, according to the report, almost 79 more people could die by the end of 2016