An Garda Síochána Launch The Lifesaver Project

An Garda Síochána have launched ‘The Lifesaver Project’, a new road safety education programme delivered by members of An Garda Síochána.
The Lifesaver Project is a hard hitting and realistic road safety presentation highlighting the devastating effects that road traffic collisions have on people’s lives. It is a 2 hour programme of interactive engagement with the audience supported by video inserts and personal experiences of road traffic collision victims and/or their families. The programme delivers a strong road safety message that everyone needs to hear and help address the current rising death and serious injury collision on our roads.
The project is being rolled out nationwide with Gardaí from across the country already trained in delivering the presentation.
If you’re interested in having the Lifesaver Project delivered in your school, college, business/company etc. please contact your local Garda Station.
Contact details of Garda Stations can be found on the directory here.
Source: An Garda Síochána