Hamburg’s Green Network Plan intends to make vehicles obsolete

A new initiative is set to come into operation in the German city of Hamburg that intends to dispose of the need for vehicles within the next 20 years. The idea is all part of the “Green Network Plan” that aims to turn Germany’s second largest city into a unique integrated system. Roughly 40% of the city is made up of green areas such as parks and gardens and city officials are looking to tie them together by building more pedestrian and cycle paths.
Angelika Fritsch, a spokesperson for the city of Hamburg has said that the new initiative will mean that the city will be accessible to all without the need of a vehicle. Ms. Fritsch said “Other cities, including London, have green rings, but the green network will be unique in covering an area from the outskirts to the city centre. In 15 to 20 years you’ll be able to explore the city exclusively on bike and foot.”
There are also plans to build new green spaces throughout the city that will be able to absorb CO2 and in doing so be able to regulate the climate in the city. The average temperature in Hamburg has risen by around 1.2 degrees in the last 60 years. It is hoped that these new green spaces will also help to prevent flooding in the region as the sea level in Hamburg has risen by 20 centimetres in the last 60 years and is predicted to rise by another 30 centimetres by the year 2100.
The new plans for Hamburg are intended to replicate what has already been achieved in places like Copenhagen where cycle paths have been constructed to link together outlying areas to the city centre. The overall aim is to make walking and cycling the more appealing option for Hamburg’s residents and eventually to make vehicles unnecessary in the German city.