New Dog Breeding Guidelines Being Drafted by the DRCD

Veterinary Ireland (VI), a representative body for veterinary surgeons, is advocating for stricter guidelines at dog breeding facilities.
In response to this and public feedback, the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) is in the process of revising the guidelines. The new protocols are set to be published by the end of the month, a deadline the VI hopes to enforce.
Advocates for the revisions hope they will provide clarity to organisations responsible for breeding and inspecting, such as Dog Breeding Establishments (DBEs) and Local Authority Veterinary Inspectors (LAVIs).
The updated guidelines seek to improve upon the 2010 Dog Breeding Establishments Act, which contained instructions intended to improve the welfare standards of DBEs in terms of their management and operation across the country.
The revision process began in 2016 when the DRCD launched a two month public consultation, which ended in February 2017. Using the 117 submissions they received from the public, the DRCD constructed an online summary report and began drafting their updated guidelines.
The draft suggests that the update will include adjustments involving whelping beds, kennel cleanliness, and the construction of animal housing, among other topics.
To learn more about the DRCD, the Dog Breeding Establishments Act or the updated guidelines, visit