New Taskforce To Ensure Gender Equality In Higher Education

A new gender task force has been launched by Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor to oversee recruitment and promotion policies in higher education.
Funding of €500,000 was provided in Budget 2018 to support the work of the Gender Equality Taskforce.
The Task Force will build on work done for the HEA National Review on Gender Equality in Irish Higher Education Institutions, which was published in 2016.
That report set out an important analysis of the position in relation to gender equality in Irish higher education institutions and made recommendations to improve the position.
Commenting on the review of recruitment and promotion systems, the Minister said:
“I was very concerned that nearly three quarters of respondents to a HEA survey on gender equality indicated that there were issues in relation to transparency in recruitment, promotion and progress in higher education institutions. I want these issues thoroughly examined and changes put in place where needed.
“I know there are good practices in our higher education system, but we need to ensure that all institutions learn from these. Where improvements are required, they need to be addressed without delay. Having a national action plan with progress monitored on a regular basis will help to drive the change that we need to see. It will give us a clear line of sight on all relevant activities across the sector.“