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Overweight people more susceptible to air pollutants, study suggests


A new scientific study has suggested that overweight adults are more susceptible to diseases triggered by air pollution because they breathe in more air. The study was carried out by Dr Pierre Brochu, a professor at the Universite de Montreal’s School of Public Health in Canada.

The study showed that the average adult with a body mass index of between 18.5 and 25 breathes in 16.4 cubic metres of air every day. Yet the average class two obese person with a BMI of between 35 and 40 – breathes in 24.6 cubic metres of air over 24 hours.

The study involved a study of 1,900 participants and following the findings, Dr Brochu believes that obese and overweight people are now more vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. When speaking about the findings of the study Dr. Brochu said “Obese class two people have the highest average air inhalation, or 24.6 m3 per day. That’s 8.2 m3 more than the 16.4 m3 an average adult with normal weight breathes daily, or 50 per cent more air and pollutants.”

Dr. Brochu went on to say “We observed that half of the type two obese cohort breathed 24.6-55 m3 of air every day, year after year. Therefore, it is clear the amount of air they inhale every day exposes them to more contaminants than some top athletes. But it remains to be seen if high inhalation rates are a factor in the development of asthma and other lung diseases in adults as well as children.”


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