Simple Tips For Better Sleep

As we get older, many of us find that getting a good nights sleep can become harder and harder to achieve. For one reason or another when it comes time to nod off we just can’t find a way. But don’t worry. You’re not doomed to toss and turn every night. Simple things like physical exercise and what you eat can contribute to a restful night.
Here are some simple tips to help you finally fall asleep after a long day.
Pay Attention to What You Eat and Drink
One thing to remember is not to go to bed too full. Things such as Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol should be avoided too due to the fact that the stimulating effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to wear off and can severely disrupt your sleeping pattern.
Create A Peaceful Sleeping Environment
It is important to make your bedroom a relaxing environment in which to rest. This means that it should be a quiet, cool and dark place. One way of ensuring this is to avoid the use of light emitting screens such as tablets and laptops before trying to fall asleep. Perhaps consider using black out blinds, earplugs or a face mask in order to block out anything that may disrupt your nights rest.
Make Sure to Include Physical Activity in Your Daily Routine
It is important to get at least 30 minutes of daily physical exercise. Regular physical activity is one way to ensure a better nights sleep. It is important to spend time outdoors as the fresh air can help to reduce any stress or worries you may be having and help you rest properly at the end of the day.
Stick to a Regular Sleeping Schedule
It is vital that you try to put aside no more than eight hours for sleep each night. Doctors and health experts recommended that a healthy adult should get at least seven hours of sleep a night.
Try to get up at the same time every day (granted, some days that’s hard to do). Try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule on weeknights and weekends to no more than one hour. Being consistent in this reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle.
If you can’t nod off after 30 minutes try to do something relaxing such as reading or listening to music. This can help to clear your mind and make it easier to fall asleep.
This all falls under the heading of “Sleep Stability.” Author Henry Nichols who has a new book out entitled “Sleepyhead:The Neuroscience of a Good Night’s Sleep” said in a recent interview “Sleep stability means pinning your bedtime to the same time every night, even on weekends, and waking up at the same time every morning, even on weekends. The key is to settle into a groove or a cycle that your body understands and responds to. Once you do this, it’s really quite amazing. You’ll sleep better, feel better, have more energy, and worry less.”
Know When to Speak to Your GP
Everyone experiences a bad nights sleep from time to time. However, if it is a regular occurrence for you it is important to seek advise from your doctor.
These are just some simple tips that if you can sick to them can really help you get your required eight hours of sleep each night.