The Garda Boxing Club to Take On New York Fire Department

An Garda Síochána are getting geared up to take on the New York Fire Department in a Boxing Tournament to be held at Riverside Hotel, Macroom, on November 6. The tournament will be hosted by Rylane Boxing Club, and will see the Garda Boxing Club team-up with members of the Rylane club to take on the New York fire fighters.
This isn’t the first fight of its kind either. Two years ago An Garda Síochána took on the New York Police department in Castlebar, Co Mayo. These interclub tournaments have been taking place since 1986 when the Garda Boxing Club first visited New York. The event will raise money for charity. All proceeds from the last event went to the Jack and Jill Foundation.
Only last March the Garda traveled to New York to take on the NYFD on their home turf. The tournament in Macroom will be the second leg. Rylane couch Dan Lane said that the event is just one in a long line of prestigious events since the Rylane Club was established in 1979. The club has since prospered and won national titles in all levels; in juvenile, youth junior, intermediate and senior.
Lane said: “Our boxers have represented Ireland in senior internationals all over the world and the club continues to make huge strides. The upcoming contest with the NYFD is another top class event that will add to the growing status of the Rylane club.”
The secretary of the Garda Boxing Club, and Manager Detective Sergeant Larry Morrison expressed great enthusiasm for the team-up with Rylane Boxing Club. “We’ve built up a great bonding with Rylane club and fittingly we are coming together once again combining our talents on taking on a hugely talented New York selection”, he said.
Anyone who wishes to attend the event in Macroom can contact Dan Lane (087 7785757) for further information. Tickets can also be attained from Rylane Club members.