U.S working on ‘Iron Man’ protective suits for military

The head of the United States Operations Command has confirmed that the first prototypes of a new protective suit dubbed the “Iron Man” after the comic book character could be ready for testing next summer. Navy Adm. William McRaven said three prototypes are being assembled and expected to be delivered in June. The suit would consist of a protective outer shell complete with internal communication technology and situational-awareness displays.
Mr. McRaven said “That suit, if done correctly, will yield a revolutionary improvement in survivability and capability for special operators.” Mr.McRaven was speaking at the 25th annual Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict conference on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. and said that the concept for the project came about several years ago after a member of special operations forces was shot and killed while entering the door of a suspected insurgent.
He said it left him wondering “why isn’t there a way to better protect operators going through the door?” A total of 56 corporations, 16 government agencies, 13 universities and 10 national laboratories are working on the idea and Mr. McRaven said. “We are already seeing astounding results of this collaboration.”