Thinking of taking a Career Break?

We understand some members of An Garda Siochana may take a Career Break some time during their service.
In order to remain a member of the Garda Benevolent Trust Fund during this time, we would ask that members notify this office of your pending Career Break and make the necessary arrangements to pay your subscriptions in advance.
Failure to continue subscribing during your career break will prohibit you from being able to rejoin the Trust Fund on your return to An Garda Siochana.
Below is an outline of the amounts of subscriptions required per year;
Career Break:
€104.00 – for a 1 year Career Break
€208.00 – for a 2 year Career Break
€312.00 – for a 3 year Career Break
€416.00 – for a 4 year Career Break
€520.00 – for a 5 year Career Break
Figures are correct as of April 2019 but are subject to change by order of the Board of Management.
NB: It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that on return from a Career Break, their subscriptions with Pay Section in Killarney resumes under Code 9283 (€2.00 pw)
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