Irish comedian to donate kidney to save brother’s life

Comedian Jarlath Regan has revealed that he is going to donate a kidney to save his younger brother’s life. Jarlath said that they recently discovered that he was a match for his brother, who needs a transplant, and the surgery will take place in the New Year.
“This is a result of failing to diagnose something very early in life. So he rang me and said ‘Jar, will you come in to test and see if you are a match’… so I went over, did it and now it’s happening, that’s the process of me getting to the point of giving my brother a kidney to save his life, essentially,” he said.
Jarlath also said there is a lot of debate within families on deciding whether or not to donate a kidney – but that was never an issue for him.
“There is debate. Families fall out over organ donation all the time, but of course I’m going to save my brother’s life,” he told the ‘Eoghan McDermott Show’ on RTÉ 2fm.
“I’ll have medical evidence that I’m a decent human being,” he jokingly added.