Top 10 Vacation Destinations

Travelling … a far-off concept right now, but eventually will become a normality again. When the time comes to dust off your passport, grab your carry-on bag and “damnit, I forgot my mask!” isn’t a part of your everyday routine, you can take a trip to one of these top-notch destinations! There are obviously a few other countries out there, but these are some of the ones we think should be visited first.
In no particular order, we present:
• Canada: The Great White North, Snow Mexico, Maple Syrup and Moose Country … no matter what you call it, it’s a grand ‘ol place to visit. With six times zones (no, that’s not a typo, there are SIX), there are endless places to visit and landscapes to see. From the Rocky Mountains on the West Coast, Calgary Stampede in Alberta, all the way to Peggy’s Cove and the Bluenose on the East Coast, there are enless sights, accents and “sorry, eh?” to completely sate all your travel desires. Want an autenthic, Canadian winter? Hit Old Quebec to see ice castles, eat famous poutine and go skating (we also recommend the Ottawa Canal one province over). Oh, and sorry in advance for their $20 bill … you’ll understand when you go.
• South Korea: One thing we will stress in this list is the food … oh the glorious, glorious food. If meat is your first, second and third favourite type you’ll love the options available here. Korean Barbecue, Kimchi (not a meat, but delicious), Bulgogi, Bibembap, the options go on, and on, and on. Worried about getting around? The train and subway systems are AMAZING and so easy to maneuver; take one to Gyeongbokjung Palace or grab a bullet-train from the capital, Seoul, down South to Busan to take in the beaches. Maybe head North to Incheon where you can go off-road
and do private island tours or spa days. They also have a, ahem, phallic-themed park that is a hilarious must-see.
• Peru: Llamas! The outdoorsman in you is screaming to head to Peru to take on the infamous Machu Picchu Inca Trail. Experience The Amazon in it’s most biologically-diverse setting, add Guinea Pig and Alligator to your food repetoire (they are also famous for potatoes if you don’t feel like eating Gary the Guinea Pig), or maybe go to Lima for a day of whitewater rafting. Feeling a bit more like exploring your educational side? Head far-South of Peru to the land of ice mummies, misty volcanoes and the world’s deepest Canyons, Colca. Put the “you” in Peru. Sorry, that one wasn’t our best, we know.
• Belgium: Beer, chocolate and world-famous chips, what else could you ask for ?? Take a day-trip to Bruges and see where Colin Farrell got up to all his shenanigans (the also have amazing hot chocolate), go back to Medieval times in Ghent, see how tiny the Manneken Pis actually is in Brussels or grab a train into Mons to rub the Guardhouse Monkey for luck (we promise that isn’t a euphamism). Between the sites and the food, HOW could you not want to visit Beligum, aka Belg-YUM!
• New Zealand: If you’re skipping out on the Australia trip because of, well, the deathly fear of deadly snakes and spiders and scoropions, etc., etc., New Zealand is just like it but without the deadly things! Seriously, why are there so many deadly things ?? Break-a-sweat with a three-hour climb to the Brewster Hut to take in some of the best views in the country, or get wet by jumping in with the dolphins just off the coast of Kaikoura! You can’t make your way to the other side of the world without Boogie Boarding down the Sand Dunes at 90-Mile Beach, hit the open-water in the Bay of Islands or climbing a Volcanic Island! Don’t worry, no sacrifice necessary. Have a
sweet-tooth or love seafood? Trust us, you won’t be disappointed with your options here.
• Croatia: Game of Thrones fans will have this on their must-see list, spotting King’s Landing sites strewn across the city of Dubrovnik. A perfect mixture of history, heat and refreshingly brisk dips in the water, who would say “no” to a trip of a lifetime like this?? Visit Porec Old Town, aka Little Venice, for a romantic mixture of colourful housing and sea-views, or dust off your History textbooks (metaphorically of course, no one keeps those) and visit the 1st-Century Roman Amphitheatre de Pula; sorry, no Russell Crowe, though. Are you not entertained!? You can also take a day-trip via taxi boat from Hvar and spend your time at Jerolin, offering crystal-clear water and relaxing views. Nature Parks, historic cities and castles are just a few more options available to you on this idyllic trip.
• Germany: One. Word. “Prost!” This is an amazing spot for nerds and partiers alike. Walk along the Berlin Wall, attend Octoberfest, hike the steps up Koln Castle (bring comfortable shoes, you’ll thank us later), and absolutely head to Bavaria to see the castle that inspired Disney
(Neuschweinstein) and grab some Bavarian Sausage while you’re there. Most importantly, we can’t stress this enough … take in a Borussia Dortmund match at Signal Iduna Park!
• Iceland: Aurora Borealis (aka, Northern Lights). An absolute, breathtaking MUST on your bucket-list and you can find it, and more, in Iceland. Scuba-dive between Tectonic Plates, swim in the Blue Lagoon and hike along the horshoe-shaped Asbyrgi Canyon, where, legend has it, the “Hidden People” have lived for centuries. Also, Puffin Island! Who wouldn’t visit somewhere that houses Puffins on their own island??
• Morocco: One thing no one tells you before you ride a camel … it is quite uncomfortable. But, the puns you get to think of for their names makes up for it (our personal favourite, Mark Camel). Obviously it’s an absolute must when visiting Morocco! Move through the thousands of shades of
blue-lined streets of Chefchaoeun, channel your inner Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca, browse the Medinas (markets) in Marrakesh, the nation’s capital, or head North to Fez and see the world’s oldest, continuously functioning unviersity, founded in 859. Seriously, it dates back to the 9th
century. Of course, you can’t take a trip to Morocco without taking in the overwhelming views of the Sahara Desert on those camels we mentioned earlier. This trip is a Marra-must.
• Vietnam: “Goooooooood morning, Vietnam!” Robin Williams said it best, as per usual. If you’ve been thinking of taking a trip East … err, VERY East, Vietnam is a must. Take a boat tour through Halong Bay, live through history in the Cu-Chi Tunnels used in the Vietnam War, and brave your
fears trying to run across a street through traffic (it’s terrifying, but you get used to it). Get away from your usual trips of a beach or drinks – not that they don’t have any of those in Vietnam – and immerse yourself in a completely different culture. And the food, THE FOOD! Did we mention
the food??
Don’t forget to check out our Top 10 Places to Visit in Ireland!