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Defibrillators Offered To Swords Garda Station

Swords garda station has been presented with one of the two defibrillators donated to the town of Swords by local businesses. The Old School House and Mid-Knight electrical have both joined forces to sponsor the town’s second defibrillator after an appeal was made by Pavilions security officer Darragh Lawlor to have the lifesaving equipment accessible to the people of Swords.

Darragh recently saved his uncle’s life by giving him CPR after his uncle suffered a cardiac arrest in a bookies on the Main Street. He appealed for defibrillators to be made available on a 24/7 basis and to be located in premises on the Main Street.

The first defibrillator, which was donated to the town by ian hunter on behalf of The Pavilions Shopping Centre is located in Cab2000 and this, the second defibrillator, has now been handed over to swords garda station. Robbie Knight of Mid-Knight Electrical has offered to provide funding for maintaining both defibrillators.

Community Garda Tom Murphy of Swords garda station said, ‘Swords garda station is delighted to accept the donation of a defibrillator and we are very grateful to Darragh Lawlor and his sponsors for making this life-saving resource available to the people of Swords.’

He said Swords Garda Station is the ideal site for this life-saving equipment as it occupies a central location in the town and is open to the public 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ‘Many of our members are trained in the use of the defibrillator and as it is a portable device, the defibrillator can be transported in a patrol car to a person in need of assistance,’ added Garda Murphy.

Garda Murphy praised Darragh Lawlor for his time and effort he has devoted to his ‘defibrillator for swords’ campaign. ‘saving his uncle’s life with a defibrillator in June this year convinced him of the benefits of having this equipment in a readily accessible, public area of the town,’ said Garda Murphy.

‘With the equipment now installed in locations on Main Street, which attracts the greatest concentration of people in the town, help is now closer to hand for those who suffer a cardiac event. ‘We may never need to use the defibrillator, but thanks to Darragh’s efforts,we are more prepared as a community for this eventuality.’


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