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Turn off the heating to shed your unwanted weight


Scientists have claimed to have found a wasy to lose weight in a way that involves no dieting and no exercise at all. The way to do this is by simply turning your heating down and shiverring yourself slim. For the theory to be effective, researchers at Maastricht University Medical Centre have advised turning your thermostat down to between 15C and 17C for a few hours a day.

These scientists maintain that because people spend so much time indoors especially during the winter months often in overheated homes and offices, our bodies do not naturally burn calories to keep us heated. The researchers believe that being colder raises the metabolic by 30% and that shivering can burn around 400 calories an hour as it increases the metabolic rate. Shivering can feel uncomfortable but the researchers believe that by lowering the temperature so you just feel chilly might be a better alternative for those who struggle to keep up diets and exercise programmes regularly.

Dr Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt who was the lead author of the research has said “We suggest that regular exposure to mild cold may provide a sustainable alternative strategy for increasing energy expenditure. Mild cold exposure increases body energy expenditure without shivering and without compromising our precious comfort. More frequent cold exposure alone will not save the world, but it is a serious factor to consider in creating a sustainable environment together with a healthy lifestyle.”



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